advantages disadvantages of a holiday curriculum

It is a schedule which forces teachers to cram as much data as they can into the shortest time possible. Since all children are aware of times they cried, shouted or otherwise displeased adults, they are likely to conclude that there is a good chance that Santa may find them "naughty" instead of "nice." 8. In a word, traveling abroad can bring big impacts on local environment , economy and travellers., Have you ever wondered why traveling is important? I was able to sleep in, but also go out. More important Jewish holidays are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which are observed in the fall, and Passover, which is observed in the springtime. By getting a job, students are able to gain experiences in the working world and earn some money. Rural school districts often look at the 4-day school week as an option because they are trying to meet tight budgetary constraints. These big advantages and disadvantages of the 4-day school week offer some school districts an opportunity to make budget cuts without disrupting the classroom. The problem is not only that the emphasis on receiving obscures the deeper religious meaning of Christmas, but that the expectations of many children cannot be met by their parents or caregivers. We're ready to begin writing our essay. 11. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The Five Biggest Sports Clubs In The World, different homeschool methods and philosophies. DisadvantagesUnavailability of Parents:Although students have breaks, this does not necessarily mean that parents also have time off. 10+ Advantages of ICT in Education. Boredom:School becomes such a routine that an extensive amount of break could cause boredom. There are many advantages and disadvantages of student-centered learning. Kids are finding that the need to stay engaged with their lessons is taking them away from the fun activities of school too. Ive recently traveled to France and realized how much traveling can benefit a person., Traveling is one way to be with your own self. While computer can be used for the purpose of education, similarly it is a popular form of entertainment too. Advantages of Curriculum-based Assessment Curriculum-based assessment is useful in self-evaluation. Schools with a 4-day week in New Mexico found recruiting to be 20% easier when compared to their 5-day counterparts. The advantages and disadvantages of holidays abroad The amount of hours that a person spends in their workplace is increasing all the time. What are some of the benefits of going away on a vacation/holiday? Additionally, summer break gives students time to discover their future and gain experiences. It doesnt always save money for schools. Christmas is usually described as a holiday that commemorates peace on earth and good will towards others, in addition to celebrating the birth of Jesus. It might also mean less time at home, more disciplinary issues, and less family contact. Body paragraph 1 should state the advantages of the topic. Based on 4780 reviews from. Aware of the distinctiveness of children from diverse religious backgrounds, many teachers feel they have eliminated the problem by observing a minority holiday that falls during the same time of year. Arguably, the elimination of current practices would be more in keeping with the "true spirit" of Christmas. Gaining a university degree in your area of interest will improve your chances of securing a job role in specialised fields. You never really get a chance in life to explore who you really are and what you believe until you're able to leave your daily life and spend time in a place where everything's drastically different., To travel also means to communicate. Two hours must be added to each day to make up for the added weekend day that is given. Advantage 2 for students: Make it more fun. They have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and classmates. 2. These ties are reinforced each year in rebroadcasts of classic Hollywood Christmas movies such as "A Christmas Story," in theatrical performances of Christmas plays and the "Nutcracker Suite" ballet and of course, in teachers' own observances of the holiday. One of the advantages breached upon the sharing of cultures. doi: 10.4137/JMECD.S18920. Even with fewer transitions, some students struggle to make it through a 6-hour learning day at school. last editor in chief to go! Kinda missing Susan's cat stories, eh? By providing a range of educational activities in different settings, students are more likely . Featured Program. Schlachter, B. At the local level, districts save between $700 to $1,200 per student each year. 3. The similarities are immediately clear: Theres a lot of textbook learning and workbook exercises involved, and working with a curriculum is usually also highly structured. Not only have holiday breaks proven to be highly beneficial for mental health, but they are also undoubtedly beneficial for physical health too. When school is in session, it almost becomes a job for high school students. Students perform better when compared to the 5-day week. Misinterpreting this silence, Santa added to her discomfort by saying consolingly, "Maybe you'll be able to tell me next year." Therefore you become more open to the various communities, cultures or countries, so eventually variety is the spice of life., Foreign travel, I think, is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in life. 84-88. This child learned not only that her teachers and classmates observe a holiday her family does not, but that her difference is only superficially acknowledged and respected by the school. One 4-year-old Jewish girl watched in curiosity and then, unable to restrain herself, climbed onto Santa's lap. Kids present a higher risk of damage to the technology in the classroom because they are still learning how to use their bodies. There's a lack of time to develop appropriate social skills. All of these activities are supported by tradition as well as the popular belief that Christmas is a central celebratory event of childhood, perhaps its highlight. According to reporting from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, having fewer days in classes results in some students receiving fewer referrals for disciplinary issues. This can be done in a very schoolish way, but theres no reason why the home educating parent should not use the chosen curriculum creatively. An understandable concern for parents, teachers, and students about the 4-day school week is the extended time required to be at school during the day. Many students attend camps academic, religious, or just simply summer. This is an issue for families with kids in elementary school, as school vacations do not always align with a parents work schedule. It is a perfect way to spend time with your loved ones, to explore a new place and most important of all, to de-stress and relax yourself from the hustle and bustle of your work life., The advantages and disadvantages of holidays abroad. Traveling enables you to become aware of differences in lifestyle - whether they are regional or national - and to learn how different people interact and generally what they base their ideas on. Choose the Interface Language. It can even open up to many realizations and possible future plans for you. That reduces child care costs throughout the week, especially if parents can shift their own schedule to a 4-day, 40-hour week with their employer. We cannot deny that computer provides lots of benefits to the students. In 2003, the school district of Webster Country, KY decided to make the switch to a 4-day schedule. This should be backed by practical points, and the examples would be even better. I believe enlightenment may be achieved through traveling abroad as well. One idea that is gaining in popularity to correct this issue is the 4-day school week. The page includes: flawed assumptions, a list of pros and cons for standards or a standard national curriculum. The delighted teachers were apparently unaware of the problem this situation posed for the non-Christian children who did not wish to be left out. Those office convos? They can get a job, attend a camp, or simply try new things. They can ease your admission process for higher education and write various personal statements, cover letters, admission write-up, and many more. It deals with telephone lines, enterprise software, wireless signals middleware, audio and visual which enable the users to access connections, store and transfer, and . It is a trend that these districts are still seeing today, more than 20 years after they implemented this schedule change. During school vacations, students are able to take matters into their own hands and can relax or explore. Academic camps can enhance a students focus and appreciation for a specific program. The disadvantages are that it can sometimes be difficult to stay on track. When this is the case, they may ask the minority children for help. Whether its a few days or a few weeks, school vacations allow students to take a step back and live their life. All of this requires a nice rest from everything. All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. Martin Buber. The extra day off gives teachers more flexibility to engage in volunteer activities, hold down a second job if required, or rest after a difficult week. One important advantage of hiking is that it allows you to relax from your stressful daily life. The recipe supplied publicly is in a sense a report on the experiment. The school districts which have implemented the 4-day week typically hold class from 7:30 am to 5 pm each day, or from 8 am to 5:30 pm. Manage Settings Generally people spend more and more time working because they want a bigger salary. Christmas is also associated with charity and compassion. Holiday breaks have proven to be highly beneficial for students mental health and wellness since they allow for spare time for relaxing or doing various activities of personal choice. Another advantage, in the case of foreign travel, is that it is a reason for learning a foreign language. Facilitates Continuous Learning During the. Anyone interested in becoming a writer or artist can come to monthly meetings and sign up. Advantages Easier to gain employment Better vocabulary General vocabulary Specific vocabulary for desired degree program Vocabulary in other areas (mathematics, chemistry, physics, philosophy, biology, ) due to general education requirements Wider world view (increase geometrically with the general levels of education. When students remember the information better, theyre able to score higher grades throughout the year and on their standardized tests. While a lot of traveling has been restricted in the past year, there are still ways to travel and experience new places or old familiar settings in a safe manner. Thus, teachers frequently pay attention to the Jewish holiday of Chanukah which is celebrated in December. To manage the demands of the 4-day school week, many districts have found themselves forced to schedule emergency makeup dates during planned holiday stoppages. The popularity of the 4-day school week became so popular in New Mexico that the state government had to set a moratorium on the practice to determine how beneficial it would be for their students. 2. How would we function without them? Traveling allows us to go outside of our boundaries. 1. In fact, it is easy to make a case that the problems described here are not inherent in the holiday, but distortions of it. Also students do not have recess time to socialize and play. Prince Harrys Spare: A Disaster from Cover to Cover, Post-Quarantine: How Parents Working From Home Impacts Family Dynamics, Some Disadvantages: There's less face-to-face interaction time between peers and between teacher and students. They provide special craft activities that include Christmas trees, decorations, chimneys, stockings, Santa Claus and reindeer. "Good" is likely to be understood as that which pleases a given adult. Learners can more easily transfer new skills day to day. That could mean more family time, more diversification in the classes offered, and additional opportunities for learning. Christmas is seen as symbolic of much that is cherished about children: innocence, family closeness, goodness, wonder and joy. For individuals living abroad, being able to return home to celebrate with their family, friends, and community reaffirms their identity and link to the communitys traditions. I recently observed the implementation of a Christmas saturated December curriculum in a university-affiliated preschool that serves children from many countries and religious backgrounds. If youre involved with athletics at school, you will still be going to practices on Monday or Friday, depending on what the extra day off happens to be. Students have the opportunity to compose articles and design graphics relating to the RHS and greater Ridgewood communities. Although parents might have reduced daycare needs for their children with a 4-day school week because only one day of supervision is required instead of five, the hours remain the same. In the United States, there were 84 school districts which had implemented a 4-day school week in 1995. There is always a boost in travel during the holiday season. Traveling lets people explore their own customs and way of life, and appreciate their countries' history and traditions. They stay happier than 5-day schedule students throughout the entire academic year. 4. Although some schools across the country have contemplated longer academic school days or schedules, holiday breaks are still favored as they allow time for families to spend together. Until the kids get older and can legally care for themselves, more strain can be placed on families with this schedule instead of less. It creates a risk of damage. It allows students to create an extracurricular schedule that works. Travel allows us to experience new things as well as new sides to ourselves. This typically occurs toward the middle to end of summer as some may feel like there is nothing left to do. Over the next three years, the district was able to save just 2% on their overall costs not the 20% that was expected. A 2006 research study from Yarbrough and Gilman discovered that teachers during a 5-day school week are wasting precious time during their core classes. Children, especially young ones, may not know what their teachers wish to know; they may feel uncomfortable with being singled out as a source when their teachers are so knowledgeable about the majority holiday (Hollander, Saypol & Eisenberg, 1978). A curriculum, like the recipe for a dish, is first imagined as a risk, then the subject of an experiment. These teachers abet the false notion the Chanukah is the "Jewish Christmas.". Travel, whether its abroad or just around the area, allows us to learn things we might not necessarily learn in the classroom. Currently more than one out of five American children live in poverty, and the proportion increases to one out of four for children below the age of 6 (Children's Defense Fund, 1987). Under the 5-day format, most teachers use a lecture-based teaching style that incorporates self-study from textbooks. If you want to get a good parking and beach spot, you have to get up so early. However, it also has negative influence on students studying abroad. I'll then give you a model answer for essay structure 1. Many school texts provide curriculum ideas for Christmas-related activities, which are then supplemented each year by instructional magazines aimed at teachers, preschool directors and child care workers. I went to the city with my family and cousins! eCollection 2016 Jan-Dec. That means students are at school for 10-hour day instead of an 8-hour day. In 2015, Coastal Conservatory reported that during the average 7-hour school day, over 2 hours of lost educational opportunities exist every day. Terrence Chun, a junior, explains how he spent the past break relaxing: I was able to watch Netflix shows without thinking about what is due the next day. For the first model answer, I'm going to take you step-by-step through essay structure 2. Advantages of the Curriculum Based Method: Disadvantages of the Curriculum Based Method: Choosing a homeschool methodology that will work for your entire family is an important first step, and something that is best decided before you even start your journey in home education. Don't champion or push celebration of one holiday over another. Advantage 2 for teachers: Easy to share knowledge and information. If you work long hours in a demanding job, chances are that you will often feel overwhelmed, which may result in excessive stress levels. Students have more information at their fingertips and build technology skills. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. One advantage of student-centered learning is that it can help students experience learning from a new perspective, where the focus of learning is centered around the student's needs and interests. School vacationa high school students favorite phrase. Sometimes the office has an energy. The homeschool parents buy a complete curriculum for all the subjects they want to teach their children this can be either the same curriculum for all subjects or a different one for each subject and base the education of their children on the curriculum of their choice. One disadvantage is that a gap year sometimes results in a loss of academic momentum. In addition to getting up early, I have to drive two hours to get to my favorite beach and pray that there isn't any . My criticism of the early childhood Christmas curriculum should not be taken as an attack on Christmas itself. School work, especially in junior high and high school, becomes a child's job. Jaimie Douaihy, a junior, spent her winter break catching up with her family. The advantages are that you will be able to improvise with how the students work on things. In this case, the user is the boss who hires the employee to delegate responsibilities and devote themselves to more important tasks. Children are also encouraged to think in material terms when they are asked repeatedly, "And what do you want for Christmas this year?" Travel, whether its abroad or just around the area, allows us to learn things we might not necessarily learn in the classroom. Attempts to profit from the sale of goods as Christmas presents increasingly dominate media advertising in the months leading up to Christmas. Depending on the location of the school and the size of the conference or division, schools are often forced to travel during school hours to meet their obligations. The child looked at Santa in confusion and, either unable to explain or unwilling to do so, remained silent. Washington, D.C.: Author. Having the time and space to catch up with the things that have been pushed aside or that might require more focus and time is equally beneficial and rewarding. Rosenthal, N.R. It encourages learners persistence. Toward Positive Outcomes Your email address will not be published. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. School vacation is a great time for students to focus on life without school and relax. There is also a Christian group, the Jehovah's Witnesses, that does not observe the holiday. Sometimes your home does not. A child goes forth (6th ed.). Nicoletta Venizelos spent time in Greece over the summer and was able to see life from a different perspective. Costly to implement. See answer (1) Best Answer. Moving to the 4-day schedule shifts student movement patterns, reducing the number of lost transition minutes. For some families, this problem can only be solved by taking their earned vacation time to counter the issue of the weather-related school stoppages. Be it any kind of a draft- the experts have the potential to dig in . However, all students, regardless of their level, deserve and should set aside time for their own mental health and well-being. Children become prosocial because they have learned the value of cooperative behavior and not because they fear or wish to please an authority. Lastly, traveling is a huge part of school vacations. Even though the idea of a 3-day weekend seems nice, for many employees, it isnt a reality. This focus on the getting of material goods is certainly not lost on children. 3. 9. The structure of school makes it so that it is up to the students to learn instead of having the teachers provide instruction. Predictably, Santa asked her, "And what do you want me to bring you for Christmas?" When an individual's mental health is in balance, the body also gets an advantage. Also includes, characteristics of a quality curriculum to use to evaluate standards and standard documents to see how they may or may not help achieve the established goals of local educational systems, curriculums, teachers, and . At least one familiar Christmas song conveys a message that most teachers would probably question if they stopped to think carefully about it. Breaks give students time to bond with family and friends. At RHS, we have Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, winter (February) break, spring break, and most importantly, summer vacation. By being able to wake up freely and spend the day doing whatever they would like, students are happier. Monitoring the schemes - it can be difficult to. Access high-quality, current information. Copy. 6. Does not give importance to the period of time that has been in each position or the name of the company. The 4-day school week creates a negative impact for families at or below the poverty line. The advantages of learning from the hidden curriculum include better grades, higher graduation rates, greater occupational mobility, and a greater understanding of the way society is organized. Nevertheless, as professionals we are committed to understanding the effects of our educational methods on children and revising them when they are problematic. In conclusion, integrated curriculum has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Developmentally Appropriate Learning: Often times, we will challenge a student to the furthest extent of their current abilities. People dont recognize the importance and outlook of traveling. Yet, these children recognized that Santa Claus could not have the meaning for them that he had for their majority religion peers. Revising them when they are still learning how to be 20 % easier when compared to the technology the! X27 ; ll then give you a model answer, i & # x27 ; ready! 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