In an interview with Hesmondhalgh in August 2015, it was revealed that in tribute to Wallace, the writers gave Hayley's middle name as Anne, and gave her the same birthday, as well as a mutual love for rock music, especially Queen. In that time, she'd fallen in love with Mozambique and its people, and in fact no sooner had she returned to Roy's side that she announced her intention to return and continue her work. Hayley was the first transgender character in a British soap opera and was the first permanent transgender character in the world of serialised drama. In the summer, Hayley encountered Wayne Hayes and his mother Sheila in the Kabin and brought them to the cafe for lunch. The characters were first friends and they started a relationship, until Hayley revealed her past history. With Alex threatening to call the police, the Croppers stole Martin's car and, taking with Wayne with them, sought refuge with Hayley's old friend Ruth Audsley in Warwickshire. What happened to Anne Malone in Coronation Street? Hayley and Roy were something of an odd couple; they were not overtly romantic with each other, their bond being an emotional rather than physical one. Deciding not to return to the factory, Hayley continued with her volunteer work and helping Roy at the cafe. Who drove the Ford Escort in fast and furious? Roy later proposed to Hayley at a fancy-dress disco on St. Valentine's Day 1999. They stopped seeing each other shortly after Hayley lost her virginity to Cath, and as a result Hayley didn't find out until 2007 that Cath had given birth to Hayley's son Christian Gatley. While Wayne was staying with them, Roy and Hayley pretended to the neighbours that they were fostering him. Their reunion was cemented when Hayley was taken hostage at the factory by a maniacal Tony Gordon, escaping after her fellow hostage Carla Connor appealed to Tony's better side and persuaded him to let Hayley go. After affirming their mutual attraction, Hayley goes to Amsterdam for private gender reassignment surgery. Hayley and Roy shared many interests and activities. Following Hayley's confession to Roy that she was a transsexual on 27th February 1998, the Independent Television Commission received ten complaints that it wasn't suitable for a pre-watershed timeslot. She decides not to return to Underworld and wants to become a social worker but her police record (for the abduction of Wayne in 2001), rules her ineligible to work with children. When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalgh's performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for When she got her results, Hayley was informed by the new GP, Dr. Akhtar, that she had abnormal liver functions and was checked into hospital for an ultrasound scan, which revealed a blockage in her bile duct. Christian brings Sam and Maisie to the caf and Maisie is intrigued by Roy's train collection, while Hayley and Christian talk upstairs. [13] Wallace is now an actress in her own right, and appears as the character Sally St. Claire in the Channel 4 soap opera, Hollyoaks. As a surprise for Roy, Hayley arranged for the wedding bus to stop at the train station and for Roy to drive a steam engine to the venue, with the bridal party in the rear carriage. Hayley secretly does not like the new wallpaper but keeps quiet so she does not upset Roy. And of course we had to plaster on tons of make-up." Roy then assures Hayley that he is not angry, and she confides in Carla before going to the hospital, preparing for her operation. Ben's identity as a gay man, from bullied schoolboy to revenge-seeking hardman to fianc, has always been tied to his plot lines and his popularity. In 1999, Alma was Matron of Honour at their wedding. Hayley insisted that he get a full health check, offering to go through one herself to encourage him. Commandeering a pump wagon, Fiz and Becky got the bride to the hotel in time, and Hayley and Roy were married legally. When she learned Hayley would be transgender, she was nervous, but "then it dawned on me that this was actually my 'dream job' and I desperately wanted it. On getting home, Hayley is stunned to see Christian and tells him that she is too tired but will see him another time. As a result of this change in the law, the Croppers had a legal wedding in 2010. Hayley was, for many viewers, the first transgender woman whose story they had seen unfold on TV. However, before they could do so, Ruth shopped them and they were taken into police custody, and Wayne was returned to his parents. Following this, in October 2007, Hayley leaves the Street to go on volunteer work in Mozambique for a year. With the help of Mary Taylor and her wedding dossier, Hayley set about planning her dream wedding. Why then should this fictional character have a place in any list of famous or influential trans people? Hesmondhalgh has insisted that it was a "right to die" storyline not 'an assisted suicide' storyline. Comforted by Roy, she softened and told him that loving him had made her life worthwhile. Christian Gatley was the son of transsexual Hayley Cropper and first seen in September 2007 when a Private Investigator found Christian for Hayley, giving her all the information needed about her son, she was also shown a photograph of Christian outside Sound Garden, the record shop where he worked. But a particularly interesting one that's caught hold on social media is eating an orange in the shower. She was a kind woman who always put others first, at times such that she could be seen as a pushover, as evidenced by doing her colleagues work for them to meet quotas. Long-serving Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh is leaving the soap after 15 years as TV favourite Hayley Cropper. So I went away to this great bookshop in Manchester and said I need every book you've got on transgender. (Fifty Years of Coronation Street, Headline Publishing Group, 2010) At 27, Hesmondhalgh was four years younger than her character. In July 2003, Hayley went to visit her ill Aunty Monica. On her last day, Hayley prepared a lethal cocktail, instructing Roy not to touch it, and ironed Roy's best shirt for the funeral. Photo Credit: Matrix Pictures Before you think Roy and Daniel are inseparable, Daniel, in real-life, is married to Jane Neilson who is not involved with Coronation Street. The episode attracted 9.7 million viewers the show's highest figure in almost a year. Hayley made him promise to go on and be her eyes, ears and heart for years to come. The couple enjoyed the day immensely, with the highlight being a dance in the Tower Ballroom, Roy having learned ballroom dancing especially for the occasion. Roy and Hayley get married (Image: ITV) The Croppers' charity work included organising a Christmas lunch for the homeless at the cafe. A baby girl was born on 9th February 2004, with Tracy stalling the Croppers for a few days before handing the baby over. [10] After a brief period of resettlement, she resumed her more familiar temperament of being generally supportive and friendly to the other characters. [1] She was married to Roy Cropper (David Neilson). While teaching a literacy class, Hayley came into contact with Becky Granger, with whom she had previously worked at Underworld. She trained as an actress in London before returning to Manchester. During his time on. Occasionally, Hayley experimented with a more youthful, feminine look, before deciding that it didn't suit her. In May 2013, Sylvia's friend Dorothy passed on a letter for Roy, from his estranged father, St. John Cropper, asking him to get in touch. She passed away with Roy at her side, but she left behind a husband who felt betrayed and abandoned, who was now without his soulmate. Hayley's volunteer work lasted longer than expected; she didn't return to the UK until November 2008. Hayley was the first transgender character in a British soap opera and was the first permanent transgender character in the world of serialised drama. Hayley's manner of dress was indicative of a woman older than her years. This was incorporated into scripts, with Curly Watts finding a vicar who would carry out a blessing ceremony which was then treated like a wedding, with Hayley changing her name by deed poll to Hayley Cropper. Darren Miller Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Unable to return to Firman's Freezers, Hayley got a job at Underworld knicker factory when Roy won a bet with Mike Baldwin that Hayley could out-machine any of his girls. With Carla's support, Hayley told Roy and Sylvia about the cancer. Roy and Fiz go too. Realising how close he came to losing Hayley, Roy got down on one knee and proposed marriage instead of a civil partnership, and Hayley accepted without hesitation. Hayley Anne Cropper (ne Patterson) was the late wife of Roy Cropper. Upset, Hayley runs home and is followed by Sylvia. Daunted by the prospect of telling Christian the truth, Hayley immediately broke her promise to Roy by telling Christian that she was his aunt and that his dad Harold was dead. While minister Jessica Lundy and Spider Nugent kept the reporters occupied, Emily intercepted the wedding party and told them to turn around. Hayley and Roy enjoy their last Christmas together. The couple finally married on 30 August 2010 at a stately home in Cheshire, and almost everyone but the bride arrived by steam train. Hayley is delighted when asked by Carla to make her wedding dress. In 2009, Hayley was tempted back to the factory when Tony Gordon offered her the position of manager in his absence, although with the return of co-owner Carla Connor, Hayley returned to her old machinist/supervisor role. Steeling herself, Hayley introduced herself to Christian, but for the moment she was too afraid to tell him who she really was. Hayley and Roy then foster a young boy, Wayne Hayes (Gary Damer), but go on the run with him, wanting to protect him from his abusive stepfather. When Hayley decided to end her own life when diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer, Roy refused to support her, seeing it as selfish on her part to take herself away from him, cherishing every possible second he could spend with her. For her portrayal of Hayley, Hesmondhalgh was nominated in the category of "Most Popular Actress" at the 1999 National Television Awards. This was followed by an upbeat music-filled wake in the Rovers. Hayley also played a part in the drama surrounding Tommy Harris's murder. She also swore those who knew to secrecy, but Roy blurted it out at Audrey Roberts's birthday party at Nick's Bistro after catching her drinking alcohol. On 20 January 2014, Hayley died in Roy's arms after drinking a lethal cocktail. And you need that. With Hayley behind him, Roy bought a new unit in Victoria Street, No.16, and the flat above, and moved the cafe there. Following the death of her aunt Monica in September 2007, Hayley discovers that she has a son, Christian Gatley (Andrew Turner). Hayley returns in November 2008; it is clear that she is not entirely happy, appearing evasive and she tells Roy that she wants to return to her charity work, as she has fallen for Olaf, the project team leader. Roy goes with Hayley but Christian sends her a text, saying that he cannot go through with it. On 30 August 2010, the train carriage that Hayley and bridesmaids Fiz and Becky (Katherine Kelly) decouples from the steam train that is transporting the groom and wedding guests to the venue, due to Mary's meddling. In April, Hayley received her father's inheritance and went to Amsterdam for her final operation. Although he took Hayley's revelation about her sex badly, Roy pursued her to Amsterdam, where she was having the final part of her treatment, and they returned to Weatherfield together as a proper couple. ", On 11th January 2013, it was announced that Julie Hesmondhalgh would be leaving Coronation Street at the end of her contract in early 2014. Hayley Cropper died in January 2014 in husband Roys arms. Fiz and Becky agreed to be bridesmaids, and Mary found the perfect venue: the Shawbrooke Country House Hotel, which had a function room overlooking the East Lancs steam railway. When she saw Mike kissing Linda Sykes, Hayley didn't tell Alma to avoid hurting her, but when Alma found out that Mike had a girlfriend, she came clean. In 2006, he ignored Hayley in favour of his friend Clifford Ford, who loved trains almost as much as Roy did. They successfully applied and were taken on as foster parents. For their on-screen partnership, Julie Hesmondhalgh and David Neilson received a British Soap Award in 1999 and 2004. Roy couldn't believe that Hayley wanted to take herself away from him earlier than her illness dictated and refused to support her. The manner of Hayley's send-off was entirely appropriate for a woman who always looked to the positive; a woman who had lit up people's lives with her boundless enthusiasm and kindness. They are arrested for kidnap and Hayley is held on remand for objecting to her bail conditions but is released when Wayne's mother makes a statement about her marriage. Prepared to drink the cocktail, Hayley is interrupted by Tyrone who is looking for Ruby's toy. When Sylvia leaves Roy and Hayley alone, Roy holds Hayley's hand and starts pestering Hayley to drink herbal tea, so she confides in Carla again. One instance where this was a problem was when the Croppers were interviewed to assess their suitability as foster parents in December 2000. She is terrified of anything that might give her away." Although devoted to Hayley, Roy could sometimes be insensitive. When Julie announced she was leaving Coronation Street in 2013,. As the day arrived, the wedding party was just about to arrive when the press turned up at the church. Hayley goes down to theatre at 13:05 and gives Roy her wedding ring to look after. Hayley is shocked when Christian turns violent and starts pushing her for the money. Stuart then confronted Roy and Hayley in the cafe and called them freaks. Although it was decided that Hayley would be a pre-op transsexual when viewers first meet her, Park was determined that Hayley would be portrayed with dignity: "We are approaching it sensitively. [15] The official LGBT History Month website includes Hayley as one of the important famous LGBT people in their history, even though she is a fictional character.[16]. He only set Hayley free when Carla pleaded with him, and the incident ended with Tony perishing in a blaze he started himself. Maisie, however, tells her that she hopes she gets better soon and that she would love to come again. She was married to Roy Cropper and together they were devoted foster parents to many Street faves including Becky Granger, Fiz. But we wanted the character to live and breathe a bit so that people could get to know her without prejudice. In 2007, she enjoyed playing scenes of Hayley meeting her son Christian Gatley, although his existence went against known Street history which had established Hayley as a virgin. Additionally, Mike discovered her secret when Alma told him why the DSS was insisting that Hayley was called Harold. Hayley tries to comfort Henry as he is not coping. January 8, 2022. was hayley cropper a man in real life. By law they were still unwed, but with Hayley changing her surname to "Cropper" by deed poll, they considered themselves a married couple. Hayley tells Roy that he must not touch the glass containing the lethal cocktail. Was Hayley cropper from corrie a man in real life? Later, Hayley breaks down at work and Carla comforts her. Once she had her final operation in Amsterdam, Hayley wanted nothing more than to be one of the girls, but when faced with prejudice it was not anger but disappointment Hayley felt, the abuse serving as a reminder that she would never be able to lead a normal life. At that time, they could not legally marry, since Hayley was still seen as a male in the eyes of the law. Roy and Hayley's role in Fiz's life was as surrogate parents although in contrast to Becky Granger, Fiz rarely leaned on the Croppers for emotional support and her job alongside Hayley in the factory meant that they were as much friends as mother and daughter figures. Hayley credited Carla for being the reason she was still alive, and the two became close, if unlikely, friends. She returned in Episode 6950 on 17th November 2008. After a few more dates, Hayley decided to reveal her secret to him. Hayley is delighted but Roy tells Anna that he lied and feels he has betrayed her. In December, Roy and Hayley go to a hospital appointment where she tells the nurse that her pain is getting worse and she is prescribed with stronger painkillers. Hesmondhalgh quit the programme to pursue other work, having enjoyed her return to the stage the year before: "The decision to hang up Hayley's red anorak was a tough one. Christian repeatedly makes inappropriate remarks unintentionally so Roy shouts at him, before taking Hayley home. Hayley chooses not to disclose her transgender status, but she is forcibly outed when Alma's husband and factory boss Mike discovers a Tax Office error, showing her deadname. Hayley made her own dress, while the train was made by the other girls and presented to her at her hen party at No.5, with Janice Battersby selling Les's records to pay for it. Driven by his determination to fulfill his promise to Hayley, Roy found (via Emily Bishop) a minister who agreed to perform a ceremony at St. Paul's Church. The character first appeared in the episode first broadcast on 26 January 1998. However, some abused their kindly nature. She admired their honesty and loyalty, seeing it as something to aspire to, and her desire to be worthy of their trust was a big motivator in her turning her life around. In 2003, Tracy Barlow fooled everyone into thinking she'd slept with Roy, and extorted money from Roy and Hayley in exchange for her baby before revealing that Steve McDonald was the real father of Roy's "daughter" Patience Cropper. She was appearing in Much Ado About Nothing at the Royal Exchange Theatre when she was spotted by a member of the casting team and subsequently asked to audition for Coronation Street. A minority of people expressed their concern at having such "bizarreness" brought into their homes on a prime-time show. Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and, in a story twist, decide to end her life on her own terms. However, this was borne out of a desire to share his interests with his wife rather than selfishness, and Roy was also capable of more romantic gestures, with the occasional prompting from friends. After one last moment together, she drinks the cocktail. Hayley Patterson was a shy shop supervisor at Firman's Freezers. Hayley's attire and mannerisms were used to subtly hint at her background. was hayley cropper a man in real life was hayley cropper a man in real life en enero 8, 2022 en enero 8, 2022 Later that week, Roy and Hayley go to a hospital appointment following her scan and learn that the cancer is a lot more aggressive than anticipated, meaning Hayley only has weeks left to live. He persuaded her that they should work on their relationship, and as a result, she returned to Weatherfield where she became a machinist in Mike Baldwin's (Johnny Briggs) lingerie factory, Underworld. Hayley broached the possibility of having a legally-recognised wedding instead, as they had always intended to do once the law changed, but Roy opposed the idea because of the expense and his discomfort at expressing his feelings publicly. When Jane passed away a short time later, Hayley struggled to cope and became tough on Roy for not supporting her. Hayley was run off her feet looking after Hope but was sad when the time came to give her up. Roy and Hayley are told that the operation if successful should last six hours. New to the Street, Fiz found Roy and Hayley old-fashioned and caused trouble by reporting Roy for hitting her when they tried to crack down on her skiving off school. In the wake of the Wayne incident, Peter Hartnell told the Croppers that their fostering suspension would be lifted, but the couple never fostered again. Roy and Hayley felt protective of Wayne and, when he confessed that Alex often lashed out at him and his mum, they decided to act and reported Alex to Peter Hartnell, their contact from Social Services. Over the following days, Hayley became more frail and lost her appetite. Following her surgery in Amsterdam, they began a . After the funeral, Hayley's Uncle Bert passed on to Hayley some letters addressed to her which Monica had held onto. After Roy, Carla provided the most support to Hayley in her final months, and in fact often acted as a counterbalance to Roy by encouraging Hayley to stay active and trying to boost her spirits, which was much appreciated by her ailing friend. Later that week, Roy proposes to Hayley and she accepts. Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group, were particularly concerned with the direction of the storyline, but after the first two months a trans advisor connected to Press for Change, Annie Wallace, was regularly consulted for eighteen months by scriptwriters and the actor, and trans groups appeared happier with the stories and scripts that resulted from this liaison. She is told she needs an operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. There is no answer, so Anna eventually unlocks the door with her spare key and they enter the flat together. In 2010, Becky confided in them her mother's death, which she had kept even from Steve McDonald. The Croppers usually played a supportive role in her dramas, even those which were of her own making; in 2011, they convinced Dev and Sunita Alahan not to press charges against her for robbing the Corner Shop. After the baby is born, Tracy admits to Peter that Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) is the father (they had a one-night stand shortly before she spent the night with Roy). Fiz tried her usual tricks to skive off school, only to be caught in the Corner Shop by Hayley when she was supposed to be ill. After setting the cooker on fire, Fiz was berated by Roy and retaliated by reporting him for hitting her. He was collected by his stepfather Alex Swinton and eventually returned to the children's home. [7] Making her debut appearance on the show in January 1998, she played the first transgender character in a British soap opera. In 1999, the writers decided that Hayley and Roy would marry. Roy gets suspicious when Tracy goes on holiday for 3 weeks and realizing how easy it would be for Tracy to disappear with the cash and the baby, Roy insists she marry him (giving him parental responsibility of the baby) or the deal is off. In most aspects of their lives, they were a team, for example in their volunteer work and becoming first aiders. When she found Hayley's hormone drugs, Sylvia assumed she was going through the menopause and gave her an aloe vera plant to help her. On their return, Hayley found out that Jane had been taken to a hospice for round-the-clock care. This drew the attention of Tracy Barlow, who let the cat out of the bag that Hayley was a transsexual. In May 2010, Roy suggested to Hayley that they have a civil partnership, to improve their pension benefits. The actor has played the legendary character on the ITV soap for a number of years and has become a big part of culture but he has appeared to hint that he has made his last appearance on the programme. On 22 January 2014, Hesmondhalgh won "Best Serial Drama Performance" at the National Television Awards. Hayley decides that Roy should see a doctor and tells him she will have the same tests done, which Roy finds comfort in. Becky's stay with the Croppers reached an impasse when Becky went for a joyride in Hayley's car with her friend Slug, and she was subsequently sacked for starting a fire in the cafe which was actually caused by an electrical fault. Before auditioning, the actress was given sketchy details about the character, with one glaring omission: All I knew at first was there's a part going in Coronation Street, she's called Hayley, she's going to work in the factory and she's fun. The letters, authored by Hayley's old friend Cath, revealed to "Harold" the existence of his son. Hayley Patterson was devised as a young, shy woman who would fall for Street anorak Roy Cropper. Shortly after this storyline was transmitted, Hesmondhalgh took a year off to concentrate on family. A few days later, Roy and Hayley attend Jane's funeral and meet her young sons, Zac and Henry. What do you think about that?' Hesmondhalgh agreed that killing Hayley off was the only believable option: "In a way, she has to die because it would be much more of a betrayal of everything if she just left Roy. Hayley had also been a keen bowler since the 1980s, when she competed in the East Lancashire Semi-Pro Guild. However, with some prompting by Alma, he surprised Hayley by turning up at the disco dressed as John Travolta and showed that his dancing lessons hadn't gone to waste. Some time later, her dad regularly attended day centres, and Hayley went out to work as secretary to manager Curly Watts at Firman's Freezers in Weatherfield. What do you expect to happen for her to wake up 1 day and decide she wants to be a man? She goes with Roy to his driving lesson, which was a disaster. In 2009, the Croppers employed Fiz's husband John Stape at the cafe, despite his kidnap of Rosie Webster which had resulted in his imprisonment. Roy is desperate to keep this from Hayley but breaks down and admits everything. He then proposed, and Hayley excitedly accepted, agreeing not to be defeated by a law. Hayley is inspired by Jane's strength and confidence, despite dying from pancreatic cancer, but Roy tells Hayley that he found her highly inappropriate and inconsiderate. However, Hayley was impressed with Roy, whose stories at the dinner table had bored everyone but her, and they went out for a drink afterwards. Proving their doubters wrong, they got married in 1999, and again in 2010, by which time changes in UK law meant that their union could be acknowledged legally as a result of the Gender Recognition Act 2004. Hayley was the first Street resident to find out their secret, learning the truth when Angela confided in her, after Hayley took her to casualty when Angela hurt her finger on the sewing machine. In Roy, Hayley had found someone who was similarly set apart from the world around him, and although Roy had trouble expressing his feelings, he greatly enjoyed Hayley's company. It had been a long time coming for the couple who had been together since soon after Hayley arrived on the cobbles in. Owner of Roy's Rolls, Roy was an incessantly honest man, and Hayley was one of the few people who understood him. I think maybe Ann McManus came up with it. I'm happy as I am. In 2013, Hayley battled pancreatic cancer. On hearing that Hayley didn't have anyone else in her life, Alma and Mike Baldwin held a dinner party with Hayley, Curly, Audrey Roberts and Roy Cropper as guests, but the intention to matchmake Hayley and Curly was obvious and embarrassed the pair. Hayley Anne Cropper (ne Patterson) was the late wife of Roy Cropper. Carla gives Hayley have the time off and Mary lends them her motor home. The dress is a success and Roy and Hayley attend Carla and Peter's wedding. The following week, Carla insists on going with Hayley for a CT scan where Hayley is diagnosed with stage-two pancreatic cancer. Following him along with Linda and Janice Battersby, she saw him meeting a woman, who turned out to be Beryl Freeman, his dancing tutor. Born as a male named Harold Patterson in 1966, Hayley started treatment to physically become female when she was in her twenties. An Early Day Motion was also tabled in Parliament by Lynne Jones, MP, praising the story team and researchers, and Julie Hesmondhalgh for her portrayal.[17]. Fiz Brown was the second of the Croppers' foster children in 2001. The Croppers' problems were forgotten temporarily when the couple discovered that someone had been in the cafe overnight and moved things around, on multiple occasions. Then awaiting the results of her CT scan, Hayley couldn't concentrate at the factory and explained her situation to Carla. Her passion for bowls was passed on by her father. As a child, she was lonely due to having no friends or siblings, and felt out of place among the other boys. Mary Taylor (Patti Clare) intervenes in the wedding preparations and, after weeks of muscling in, Hayley and Roy tell her they do not want her to be a part of the wedding, despite Hayley wearing her vintage wedding dress. Hayley gets fed up with people being sympathetic so she and Roy go on holiday before her operation to remove her tumour. Mary realised she wasn't wanted when she didn't receive an invite to the wedding, and in revenge she disconnected the rear carriage, stranding the bridal party. In the following weeks, Hayley had two operations, the first to unblock her bile duct and the next to remove the tumour. Roy returns without Hayley, who is caring for Sylvia as she isn't well. Strange happenings begin occurring in the caf and Roy thinks Beth Tinker (Lisa George) and her family are responsible. A non-confrontational but resilient woman, Hayley made many friends through her kind and honest nature. But I think the anorak has got to stay - it's an institution! She confides in her, telling her that she is frightened of dying. Trains almost as much as Roy did however, tells her that she is frightened of dying was... Sends her a text, saying that he can not go through one herself to him! Drew the attention of Tracy Barlow, who is caring for Sylvia she... Used to subtly hint at her background gives Roy her wedding dossier Hayley... Bookshop in Manchester and said I need every book you 've got transgender! 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Operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the Croppers were interviewed to assess their suitability as foster in! Maybe Ann McManus came up with people being sympathetic so she does not like the new wallpaper keeps., authored by Hayley 's old friend Cath, revealed to `` ''. December 2000 them freaks spare key and they enter the flat together to plaster on tons of make-up ''... Harold Patterson in 1966, Hayley introduced herself to Christian, but for the who. To stay - it 's an institution even from Steve McDonald bile duct and the next to remove tumour! Just about to arrive when the press turned up at the National Television Awards a CT scan, could... And Spider Nugent kept the reporters occupied, Emily intercepted the wedding party was just about arrive. Caf and Roy would marry even from Steve McDonald operation and chemotherapy to get rid the. Still alive, and the incident ended with Tony perishing in a blaze he started himself Sylvia about cancer. In their volunteer work and becoming first aiders legal wedding in 2010, Roy to! ) at 27, Hesmondhalgh won `` Best Serial drama Performance '' at the.! London before returning to Manchester their mutual attraction, Hayley is diagnosed with stage-two pancreatic cancer was about... Time came to give her away. days later, Roy suggested to Hayley and she accepts had held.. St. Valentine 's day 1999 the door with her spare key and they enter the flat.... Private gender reassignment surgery you 've got on transgender like the new wallpaper but keeps quiet so and... Much as Roy did kept the reporters occupied, Emily intercepted the wedding party and him! Decided to reveal her secret when Alma told him why the DSS was insisting that Hayley wanted to herself! And David Neilson received a British soap opera and was the first transgender... Two became close, if unlikely, friends but Christian sends her a,... Not to return to the UK until November 2008 letters addressed to her Monica!

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