Kindly have your order number or email address handy for a us to quickly check your order, and we'll take care of the rest. A. co-workers. Here are a few notes and labs for reference, starting from the basics: Lab 1. Morals refer to people's adherence to right or wrong behavior and right or wrong thinking. 71. A high degree of brand recognition will help a company win a higher share of the market. EAGLE:FZHKF -> THANKS:? The foam used to make the Emma CliMax mattress is CertiPUR-US and Class I (16.0.93305) of STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX, which means it is suitable even for infants. Outside of this, you can expect to receive your mattress within 2-5 business days of placing your order. Be a resident of Georgia. B. B. remains too stationary. In a February 12, 2002, national poll, American adults said by a 3-to-1 margin that truth is always relative to a person's situation. Reciprocity is considered illegal if it hurts competition. Not have any close relative as a dealer/distributor of any oil company, 8. He completed his bachelors degree in engineer, in 2007 and immediately started working in a private firm. D. Seasonal discounts. In Turkey, a salesperson wants to sell a block of 75 symphony tickets to an Armenian senior citizen center to hand out to its members. False. There are two parts to Amazon OA - Part 1 and Part 2. Result 2. MQD:KRK -> SWM:? Hostile environment. D. moonlighting. C. sales over $25, made door-to-door. C. changes based on the situation. It is known that one of the levels has 21 people in it and the second floor has 2 people more than the first floor. A person at the preconventional level of moral development follows rules to receive rewards or avoid punishment. Explanation: Requiring a customer to buy one product when buying another product is known as a tie-in sale. Explanation: Reciprocity involves agreeing to buy a product from one person if they return the favor. 136. Live support is available from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT-6, Monday-Friday!Kindly have your order number or email address handy for a us to quickly check your order, and we'll take care of the rest. An ethical dilemma arises in a situation when each alternative choice has some undesirable elements due to potentially negative ethical consequences. D. A fire equipment salesperson who demonstrates her equipment to prospects by setting real fires. 148. 48. A # B denotes A times B. A/B denotes A greater than or equal to B. 105. For maximum brand recognition, a company need not spend on media channels other than radio publicizing. C. Affirmative action. ASSERTIVENESS-> SENSSAEVISTRE : MULTINATIONAL -> ? D. discretionary. If northwest becomes east, northeast becomes south, and so on, what does southeast become? D. Employee rights. Sales territories. Explanation: The majority of sales personnel, as well as people in general, operate at the conventional level. D. friends. 35. False. Cooperative acceptance means that employees cannot be discriminated against in employment practices and they have the right to be free of sexual and racial harassment. 117. A. She has also purchased goods worth Rs . He was 26 years old as on 01.01.2012.from, He should be referred to the Deputy General Manager, I alone is sufficient for answering the problem question, II alone is sufficient for answering the problem question, Both together are sufficient for answering the problem question, Both together are not sufficient for answering the problem question, Either of statement is sufficient for answering the problem question, TreeAplitude find max diff in paths from root to leaf, Four Integer, given 4 numbers, find max of abs(res[0] - res[1]) + abs(res[1] - res[2]) + abs(res[2] - res[3]). D. How big is the territory? The Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 prevents sellers from granting quantity discounts to larger buyers. C. De facto termination. In order to be effective, a fixed point of reference must: A tie-in sale occurs when a buyer is required to buy unwanted products in order to purchase another product. True. She has never been provided with any bulk discount but has been given a special discount of 2%. An individual in the pre-conventional stage of morality asks, "What can I get away with?". A. fixed point of reference. Ethical dilemmas occur because many ethical standards are not classified. Where is he from the original spot? Emails delivered is the number of emails that were successfully delivered to servers on the other end. A. Bribes always involve money. 29. "This refrigerator will preserve foods in the warmest weather." An ethics ombudsperson: Policy-based statements generally outline the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations. 1. Average sales per employee for the region (Average sales = Total sales made for the region / Number of employees in the region). 91. Bribes, which can involve gifts and travel, are often hard to detect because in some cases they may be legitimate gifts. Explanation: Misrepresentation occurs when a salesperson provides false information to a customer. 0. D. Every employee of a U.S. company is subject to U.S. law regardless of the country in which business is conducted. C. Sharing competitive intelligence, Explanation: There is a subtle difference between sales puffery and statements of fact; they can be difficult to distinguish. D. preconventional moral maturity. Simply log into your Klarna account, select report a return, and Klarna will pause your statement.Then just reach out to our Emma Customer Support Team and they'll assist you with the returns and refunds process. We will be looking into this with the utmost urgency, The requested file was not found on our document library. According to the text, a _____ would tell Rob Loughton he should return the stolen competitive information to its owner without examining it even though the information would more than likely result in a large commission for Loughton. What is the single most important factor in improving the climate for ethical behavior in a sales force? This is not a valid promo code. 92. A. 38 people are in the class. A customer is as gullible as a child and hence may ask many questions. She has been regularly ordering goods from ABC company for more than 4 years. He knows that your boss collects early 20th century baseball memorabilia and he has asked that you introduce him to your boss and to endorse his background as an ethical antiques dealer. D. Seasonal discounts. He is not ready to sign a bond but doesnt mind paying a sum of $1000 as security deposit. Swapping firewood for an oil change is a bartering situation but not reciprocity because neither party is agreeing to future purchases. E. a statement of fact. 1 (855) 580 EMMA. Lee is functioning at the _____ level of moral development. 49. On the job, Jack acts purely in his own best interest. We look forward hearing from you! Which direction he stands from the original spot? B. principled. B denotes A less than B. Our mattres is compatible with any type of bed frame; you can even lay it flat out on the floor! B. 149. Assuming that we are using the customers table as the first source table, producing the result table in Figure 6-7 might therefore proceed conceptually as follows: 1. When asking for an exception in the 4 strings given, convert the letters into numbers and find the pattern with the numbers. ADBC : EHFG -> ILJK:? He had bought goods worth $150 from ABC company in June. It is like answering questions that children ask. If he can sell these remaining tickets, he will receive a $500 bonus. 21. Yes, the Emma CliMax is compatible with most bed frames, so long as their slats are no longer than 3 inches apart. You know that in the past Craig has sold some items that were not what he claimed they were and you suspect that some of his baseball memorabilia might be forgeries. Exclusive dealerships. here to Sales drives in big organizations, many a times, fall flat on the face. Explanation: The Golden Rule of Selling requires people whose personal character is at level 3, which is the highest level of moral development. ( I don't know how many bills they made or how many products thy bought, I would just ignore this info) E. "Your own mother can't care for you as well as our staff!". Which of the following questions is LEAST relevant to the level of pressure a manager places on a salesperson? The law covers door-to-door sales of $25 or more. KPQR:LRTV -> DGHY:? C. World ethics. Which conditions were needed to know how many fridges were sold this year. Therefore, most employees in an organization feel they must "go along to get along"; in other words, they acquiesce to questionable ethical standards to keep their jobs. 43. The company has spent several hundred dollars promoting a trip to a country that is undergoing a great deal of political unrest. If you'd be interested in getting hired at Amazon, one of the largest electronic commerce and cloud computing companies, the Amazon Online Assessment (OA) is the first thing you may wanna looking. D. Providing anti-harassment training to employees. Out of cesium, lithium, potassium and sodium, which will have the lowest ionization energy? 51. : Result: 90, pre * 3, 1, 5, 7, ? C. What is the industry standard? 9. 1. Most salespeople operate at what level of moral development? Result: UNQYGT, all values +2. A. never negotiates. These statutes and others were necessary because some salespeople used unethical practices in sales transactions. A. Where is he now? A. communicates selection methods . She has also purchased goods worth Rs. A. interacts with the organizational stakeholders on a daily basis. B. following company policies. C. showing loyalty to co-workers. True. Cooperative acceptance. A. customer discrimination. It seems you are visiting Emma from abroad. Emma products that are to be returned must be in donable condition to be eligible for return (e.g., no significant stains, tears or other soiling including odors). B. tie-in sales. Although several federal laws influence record keeping, they are primarily directed at private employers. 124. Result: WARWXA, odd +4, even -4. E. establish control systems. B. principled. A salesperson competing in a foreign country may find himself/herself competing with foreign companies who are allowed to do things considered unethical by U.S. standards. D. prohibits tie-in sales and exclusive agreements if they substantially lessen competition. C. Implementing effective internal grievance procedures. All managers feel they face ethical problems, and most are aware of industry and company ethical issues. D. relate to objects rather than people. Be at least a high school graduate or any other recognized equivalent, 4. 73. II. Conditions for selections of a candidate are as follows: 1. **Terms and Conditions may apply. A bond also may be required in some places. What law protects customers from price discrimination? QPS:TSV -> IHK:? D. Taft-Hartley Act. Glenda tells the Office Pro manager that she has a limited supply of the desks; however, she can obtain more desks if Office Pro also purchases desk chairs. Do you have a physical store so I can try out the mattress? Explanation: A code of ethics is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues. A. the organization's employees and the organization itself. She lives in a rural district. Courtney Lee works for a travel agency. Explanation: Cooperative acceptance is the employee right to be treated fairly and without sexual or racial harassment. A principled person does the right thing no matter what. Explanation: Making claims or predictions about specific results can lead to misrepresentation lawsuits if failure to uphold the claim occurs. Candidates for this business traversal are M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and W1, W2, W3 (5 men and 3 women). D. misrepresentation. A. fixed point of reference. True. B. Which of the following statements about misrepresentation is most likely true? What to do with the candidate? TLE (Time Limit Exceeded): dead loop WHILE. Which of the following terms refers to an extra-large customer that generates significantly more revenue for a salesperson than other customers? Result: VELETNOISI, reverse first half and second half. Tim is proposing: The committee provides rulings on questionable ethical issues. C. conventional. 114. D. formally discourage "whistle-blowing." What to do with the candidate? 20. D. whistle-blowing. Explanation: The single most important factor in improving the climate for ethical behavior in a sales force is the action taken by top-level managers. Explanation: Though the right to be free of sexual harassment is found explicitly in fewer laws, it has been made a part of the 1980 EEOC guidelines, which state that sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Which of the following statements about the international side of ethics is false? B denotes A less than B. D. Benefits flexibility. 95. Write a Transact-SQL query that retrieves all columns for all customers. The division that produces mixer doesnt produce blender. if the conjunction is coordinating. D. unsafe conduct. A - B denotes A plus B. A. If your area is covered, you can avail of this service and choose a date of when to receive your Emma! D. Discretionary. 50. A fixed point of reference refers to something that provides the correct action to take in any situation and never gets tailored to fit an occasion. B. The entrance bar: 1. have ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate, 3. none of their products made from synthetic polymers, 5. have grade certified unit of its product, 6. do not have legal dispute related to land or forest pending against them. C. A travel agent who sells antiques on the Internet during the weekends. People are most likely to make their moral and ethical decisions on the basis of whatever feels right or comfortable in a situation. B. private firms. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, &HUWLILFDWHRI7UDLQLQJ86 'HSDUWPHQWRI/PERU :DDWG+RTU 'LYLVLRQ$FFRUGLQJWRWKH3DSHUZRUN5HGXFWLRQ$FWRIQRSHUVRQVDUHUHTXLUHGWRUHVSRQGWRWKLVFROOHFWLRQ XQOHVVLWGLVSODVDFXUUHQWOYDOLG20%FRQWUROQXPEHU20%&RQWURO1XPEHU, ACCORD CREMATION AND BURIAL SERVICES CREMATION AND DISPOSITION AUTHORI, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REVISED UNIFORM PARTNERSHIP ACT, CIVIL LAW NOTARY - AN OFFICE WHOSE TIME HAS COME IN THE U, Power of attorney - Big Fish Payroll Services, Upload Initials Event Facility Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Roommate Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Standard Lease Rental Agreement, Upload Initials Boat Slip Lease Agreement, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 she has been regularly ordering goods from abc company for more than four years she has also purchased goods worth 150 in the previous mont, emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08 she has been regularly, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 08, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8, priya is a customer whose sales region code, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been regularly ordering goods, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been regularly ordering goods from abc, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 14, priya is a customer whose sales region code is 8 she has been. The person who operates at the _____ level of moral development would adhere to the Golden Rule of Selling. C. conventional. For more information, please check our Terms and Conditions. D. Worldview Office Pro is interested in purchasing a line of Innovative Installers' desks to sell in the Office Pro retail stores. B. a tie-in sale. D. Life experiences. 10/16=
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