I cant be evicted for inability to pay rent. While some people are indeed too affected by major depression to care for their children, others may be managing their depression and perfectly capable of providing their children with the stable environment and care that they need. What more could DCFS want in a stable living environment? I often wonder why I didnt leave my husband when all of this happened. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. I wasnt a perfect parent, but I wasnt a bad one either. Im told I still have the job they are just still waiting but this cps worker I have dealt with I swear is out to get me. The following are five potential reasons why someone could lose custody due to depression or anxiety, like losing custody due to not co-parenting. Your children will come again to their own land. I hate cps. I never hurt her or myself. The cps took my samantha 23 years ago and I suffer in silence and continually ask God why. I think the public defender even assigned is behind it, she was defending the caseworker because I nicely but bluntly explained I was well aware ifbthe lies that are being told, done, the corruption. My little girl was taken from me and placed with my sister in law who apparently hates me and will not allow us to have any contact what so ever and it hurts. One of the symptoms of depression is suicidal ideation. You have to do it by force. I had to sit on the stand and name each and every date off my life was under the microscope. What can I do for my grandson ? I guess the fact that he was there, and did not object to what his sister said, that his silence counted as agreeing. Get comfortable with silence. [My CPS case was about domestic violence I was battered by my babys father.] I hired another lawyer to help me go back to court after filing a frurd an destress on my case. two days later CPS was called on me. Im still in shock by the lies that were allowed in as evidence..my heart is broken and I feel so run down but refuse to give up. I can most assuredly tell you that you DID THE RIGHT THING by doing that. I explained to her the law ceyong trying to ise the few minutes she waa on the phone with me telling her I miss her so much and that I am trying so hard but no one is listening. God loves our babies (no matter their age) more than we do. Every time I started feeling sad and crying I just told myself no I didnt do anything wrong. I would be supervised 24/7 by qualified people ensuring my daughters safety. This always helps me. Im not a dietitian and I think you might not like my food choices (all vegetarian) but I know that avoiding things like sugary sodas and drinking vegetable juice instead is a good step toward better health. I just loved my family too much. My heart is breaking so bad. I do go to mental health but no matter what they do it does not work ive tried to concentrate my depression into bettering myself still nothing ive tried to do many many things and nothing helps so i always keep going back to marijuana and drinkin. But feel like I am getting nowhere. Total corruption & injustice in the once good ol USA. These laws are very complicated and you put your parental rights at risk if you dont have legal counsel in your corner. Grief Worksheets | Therapist Aid I'm currently going through a bitter custody battle myself and it has been the worst year of my . They came in and investigated my home was orderly, my children were healthy and clean, my ua came back negative. He will save you he saved me. If I could tell anyone a word of adviceDOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT!!! I will pray for you. What Types of Construction Insurance Do You Need. Where do you live? Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a191bbf4e5bb4475cbd5dd594dbc4ba1" );document.getElementById("gccc9d9fd6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Since that time, I have joined support groups, taken classes, and gotten therapy. My heart is beyond broken. Instead, create a life that your children will be eager to be a part of one day. You can still set an example of responsibility. They are very taken care of. You can also take the effort to indulge in self-care changes by paying attention to your diet, your sleep, and your physical body. My son was in prison and the mother was in a sober living house out of Hendersonville. This is usually due to the circumstances of the loss of someone. I am focusing on hearing my Father tell my children, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Nothing else will matter because we will never be separated again. Im trying to get my son back. Let us take a look at some steps you can take to help yourself. The death of a child is the greatest sorrow for parents. I have episodes like im having tonight and I feel like Im going crazy. Try to communicate with the other parent/guardian so that there is an open line of communication.. Seek out professional help to manage stress through therapy. My heart was broken I lost my furry best friend within months of coming home she and I have been together for 11 years. Did cps take them and you were able to get them back or you are able to see them through the foster parents. Its not right. I was accused of hiding my son from the law. She admitted to the assault but stated she didnt mean to hurt me it was an accident. She monitors everything i say. Mommys coming!! Im so tired. Not the police ,the school district let alone the social worker by the name of Shelia Hawkins her supervisor or her supervisors supervisor. Whatever you think of them, LGBT community did just that. You are in mourning feeling grief and sorrow at the loss. That is almost how they got me visiting with in-laws in the state of Texas cps came in and took my 2 beautiful and very loved little boys. Let them know that whatever they say is okay. I have tried numerous times to kill myself and am trying tonight. Right now, I am just biding my time until I see what direction our case is headed. Stopping contact with a child after losing custody is the worst decision. jonvaughnrealtor@gmail.com. Please try it. A retrospective study done on maternal mental health after the loss of custody has found that Losing custody of a child to child protection services is associated with significantly worse maternal mental health than experiencing the death of a child. Best of luck stay strong. This could be a therapist, counselor, or support group. And I was a GOOD MOTHER! Might as well try. My family is reporting my activity to my CPS worker even though I dont want them to do this. Kruk, E. (2008). Everything I worked so hard to build they have destroyed so I still love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength but I have become a very strong woman now. http://forum.fightcps.com, Hi Laura I just wanted to say I completely know what your going through I had my two beautiful children taken in the beginning of October its now December it feels like its been a decade since I got to be with them its the worst most empty feeling in the world!!! My mom got the whole family to turn on me now my marriage about to fall apart. Then they terminated our rights. Because of Monica, we were spared the stress and money of further legal proceedings and were able to walk away with our dignity intact., Click Here to Contact Our Divorce Team Today. Also, the hope that my kids are coming back to me. And so is your pain. I cant keep playing the cps game. Lost, I am so sorry you lost your kids, Try not to blame yourself. Had to beg them not to for it would be so much worse that my sons co workers and friends would witness this. All I want is to be treated like a person and have a chance to see my grandson and say good bye. God the father says He will never me leave me Nor forsake me. Now my grandchild is in the system and I am told I am not grandma. My kids have begged the caseworker to come home and she says they ignore her. It could have been handled SO much better. its harder then i thought. I made mistakes and I cant take them back. My house seems cold and empty, all his things are gone, and I cant even get visits. Even if (God forbid) you never see your children again, they may meet someone who knows you, or somehow find out information about what kind of person you are. Im not sure. BUT I do agree I have a lot on me and I am not fighting anymore. Seeking out parenting classes that specifically have to do with divorce and custody arrangements can be something for you to try out. I have given up and have been on the streets homeless. Please use the comment section below to let us know what works for you. I believe in God and I know he will work it out, but I just think I need more than just me praying for myself. The social workers SAY that their job is to reunify families but in truth, the funding from the federal government very much encourages foster care, then TPR and adoption instead. The more I have/ researched, the more I realize that it isnt just us,but I want to fight. Depression: Changes to your relationship with your child may leave you feeling sad, hopeless or depressed. I agree a HUndred percent my kIds were taken because they witness me and there father arguing .. more information Accept. So please get out your Bible and read these stories! I have a house full of baby stuff and a career as a nurse that I feel I have to put on hold because mentally I cant bear to go back to work and be around other people who get to keep thier children. In the first stage, the person does not believe in the truth of the loss. Roxanna, I feel your pain. Lucinda (Anything I say here, is nothing compared what I have written to Childrens Division Supervisors, politicians, and legislatures, so I am not worried about my phone number.) I can tell you that our Case Manager was fired. The Good Shepherd takes care of His sheep. Recognize these triggers and prepare to handle the grief as needed. You know how hard it is to leave them. What is so important from our negative experiences is that we LEARN from them. Exercise. I have had had no visits with them at all. My 3 kids are gone because the first 3 drug test werent enough and I failed the 4th hair folicale for OTC sinus meds. Create a ritual in your sibling's memory. I had moved a half hr away out of the county even to live with some friends in their house my children were set with their own room beds etc everything they needed. If I lose my kids forever, I dont think Im living They are my life! hertz car rental franchise cost; teaching jobs in paris, international schools; nike react tiempo legend 9 pro ic black !! When the challenges associated with custody issues become especially prolonged or intense, they can lead to symptoms of common mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. The powerful gang known as CPS will not stop until we stand up to them but we cant because dumb idiots who dont have kids but go to school and learn about kids think they know how and what parents should do even if they dont know what its like. depression after losing custody of childtown of hamburg personnel department. its been a nightmare and Ive been living in hell cuz of cps they was only suppose to be gone 6 months and its been 2 yrs of fighting for my kids every time I turned around it was something. And for this county that I live in they had to go and pick on one of the ONLY good mothers my age; seriously, everyone my age is strung out and even selling their kids meds etc for drugs and I dont do anything accept put them first and try to get through college! i had recently relapsed leading me to seek help ?i didnt want to get bad again so i told my ex and next day he brought me to get help. My attorney has changed her attitude somewhat for the better. Go to a mental health place and tell them you have anxiety from your kids being taken and beg for their help dont stop till they help they cant refuse you. I still am supervised today when I see my babies. Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood. Bullying and spending a lot of time using social media may be associated with depression. Im sorry what youre going through but dont lose hope trust in our lord. How to jump through their hoops even though they lied. Accept what has happened-I dont mean to agree with what has happened-just accept that it did happen. I feel so alone. XOX. I am in the thick of it right now, where are you now with your case a year later? There is still so much life left that CPS cannot take from you. That's why }, { hello my children were taken by dhr and two placed in Jefferson county and one is still in Blount county but when cps came to }. 4. And do whats right for them cuz their innocent n its fair to them. Write down everything!! I have contacted the media. I had missed a CPS court date as i did not have transportation and i could not walk that far in the middle of the summer with a 1 and 2 year old. Our CPS case cant progress because my husband has criminal charges that were brought against him and if he doesnt try to fight them, he loses his job and we lose our income. I pray Henderson County DSS never hurts anyone like they have me again!! The psychological effects of child custody battles surface in a number of other waysfrom acting out to trouble sleeping to child custody depressionand do vary based on the age and maturity of the child. Words of wisdom from a grandmothers broken and healing heart! I am a very devout Christian but I sometimes wonder why God had allowed this curse to come upon me and my children! CPS had called me and asked me to meet them at the DHS building in the town i was living in said that they wanted to do a meeting with me and to bring my children because they hadnt seen them in a while. I be praying for u and your kiddos. I suffer from anxiety now that I never had once before. This is my horrifying life right now, you wrote this last year, what happened? Show our kids our love for them by staying well having faith and putting forth the action. Cps is god. I know I am not patient. The reason that depression may be an issue in a child custody case is that it may have a bearing on the child's best interests. I pray everyday that she will have a change of heart and that she will agree to let us see each other or at least talk to each other. My children were taken in October of 2013. Ive been to 3 different ones and finally i got the paper work I need for my Dcfs case. We must all combine forces and fight back. Now Im facing to be a less than every other weekend dad to my 18 month old son whom Ive been the primary caretaker. This umbrella term covers depression, anxiety, addiction, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and many other conditions. But my children are living in another city an hour away. My lawyer told me i could not win. Im walking away from mine. I look forward to helping out wherever I can. I will never believe that God took my children from me. Christ is the healer of broken hearts. .. i am not going to give up! The psychologist, having studied the problem, can advise you to take a vacation, return to work, do your favorite thing. The case worker even brought the kids here and said she had no issues at all but yet I am still jumping through hoops. Your children are going to grow up and have their own kids one day. ??? The adoptive family had my youngest on Prozac at age 7. It is vital that you take care of yourself. Cps had allowed us six great visits worth the kids and the kids run up to me and their step mom with huge smiles and they keep asking when they can come back to my place.. Cps is keeping the kids away for no reason. I am wondering who you reported this to. A few things you can do for yourself include: It is estimated that once a parent has lost custody, it can take the better part of two years to regain custody, sometimes even more depending on context and issues surrounding the separation. Losing your mother at any age can be a. I PRAY FOR STRENGTH.. My daughter will never feel that unloved. I will always be love her. They want me to go to rehab. Grief is often associated with circumstances, but depression is not. He will want to know what kind of a person you are will that be an angry, bitter, unforgiving person, or an altruistic, compassionate, and caring person? I made this as an expression of my story. Because my sons (they took my two youngest, ages 6 and 13) want to be home with me. Please email me i could use any tips and i could also use a friend right now bedwellopal-at-gmail.com, Did you receive my email? Than another knock, I was informed that due to an past history of drug use, domestic abuse, married to a felon, and un healed psychological stress issues, grief, and no job or reliable transportation. I WAS WRONG. Thats a good way to look at it, Shirley. Also, maybe (if you havent already) you can join a church. I got approved for housing I got off my drugs. So sorry this is happening to you. Loneliness and depression can often send people dealing with bereavement into a downward spiral that is extremely hard to break. You can do this. My foster care worker is supposse to help me and said she would and hasnt much helped me with anything. I am a mother of 6 beautiful children. I havent had my parental rights terminated but i dont know if they do if Ill be able to live with knowing I might never see my kids again. I would love to introduce you to the Judge before whom every knee will bow. I wanted to end my life even though I did nothing to do so. I need allot of prayer and support but isnt really have that so its just me paying and hoping ill be strong enough to sustain this once more. difficulty accepting that your loved one is . In this article we will discuss the emotional distress that comes with losing custody of your child. But now its happening to my grandkids cause parents dont demand real solutions. 1. Sleep may be difficult for a while. I cannot even write for this website unless I get enough sleep the night before. My cousin and her husband care for and love my daughter so incredibly that I feel selfish for even trying to remain her mother and get her back. I lost my children 3 years ago. When Youre Dealing With CPS, Where Are Your Friends? So did the guilt. What is grief? Indeed, your child is not physically with you. If you try it, remember it can cause sensitivity to light. They have came home December 4 2020 from foster care due to false allegations, and then they got tooken away December 18. my email is: byt777-at-cs.com, and my name is Brandi!! The reason why you feel lost is because your identity as a mother is being shaken now that you are without your kids. My daughters are now with a cousin of mine, and I turned in my son with my mom after borrowing a car to take him to san bernardino county. Poems of Sorrow and Grieving | Poetry Foundation I was threatened to be shot by caseworker if I exposed their behavior. Please if there is any one that can guide me I need legal representation urgently!! Share your pain. I had my grandchild the day before RIPPED out of my life!!!! Im so scared now bc theyre saying that I dont have a chance in Hell and next month is the final court date :'( Its been so hard and worse than ever because this time I have anxiety/panic attacks about losing the kids! My husband has a new attorney, with a brighter perspective. Just love that one child if it is the only one you can have in your home right now. Featured Shared Story I know God sees us through our trials, and sometimes we never know why. The Texas statute on Conservatorship, Possession, and Access covers many details regarding decisions on custody and visitation, but dont expect to see depression mentioned in the law. How to cope with the death of a child? These methods will not help to survive the death of a child, but will only worsen the situation. You can go to most churches and ask to talk to the minister. Im so sorry this happened to you. But adoptive parent gave my kids back and collected payments. NC DSS had done an interstate compact but I dont believe it had fully gone through yet. I dont let it bother me anymore; I have four other children who love me. Teens. Your hurting because like me you care. I pray and talk to God and gave him full reign over myself and my kids. I was the victim of domestic violence by my second husband and CPS handed my kids over to their biological father. They were then 3years and 2years old. And the state is telling me that my daughter will not be reunited with me as long as Im there because its not considered stable housing. Me who was told I couldnt have children because I had leukemia so with the chemo and radiation I was told I couldnt have kids but like I said God works in his mysterious ways because he gave me for beautiful babies. Philippians 2:10 promises, That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Jesus said in Matthew 25, 26 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. I wont go into all of it here, but make sure that you are on the right side, and pray that your children are. I am loosing it and I dont know what to do my heart is broken. Losing your faith is no justification for any suffering or struggles in life. It is temporary!! Nothing. Strangers or family? "Broken Wing" by @WrittenByWill But now this is what the Lord says: Do not weep any longer, for I will reward you, says the Lord. Im doing what I can to help the greatest number of people at one time. Keep doing the next right thing. Then CPS advocated for full custody to be handed over to him permanently. All of these feelings are normal. 75219. how do you survive when they take the little one from you? People never believe me when I explain things they just say Im lying and cps would never do that. About 11 percent initially suffered from depression but improved; roughly 7 percent had symptoms of depression before the loss, which continued unabated. I wanted to die so bad I put my gun in my mouth, when I did it just didnt feel right. It is not the end I know when youre devastated and depressed it is easy to not want to live, but you can get through this. Ive proven that Im not worthless, incompetent, or undeserving. I told her that instead of laughing with her they were laughing at her. Helping children grieve the loss of a pet. Arizona has cases that are EXACTLY what is going on with me. Like I dont know what to do. That was long ago (dark ages I guess) in the early 1980s. I began to drink a bit. He could have made a statement if he wanted to. I do know Oregon State it is foreign to me and I was lured up here by family members who promised us a big loving family.. but Instead we were abused.. lied to and manipulated.. I honor them and embrace their grief, and understand their depression but there are other things to do in life, even if your children have been taken forever. And no I dont know that because I dont know what they were told. I miss my new born son very much. There are different types of depression. I do not know if that is good. Thank you. It hurts. Usually they come around when they see that nobody else in the world can replace the unconditional love they were getting from their mom. He twists himself around so that hes back in daddys arms. Molly uses her knowledge of the law and the rules to keep on a straight and narrow path., Through her knowledge, patience, and understanding, the matter was totally settled. My kids were born healthy cps was listening to the lie of my X In-Laws. A judge will only make custody decisions based on the best interests of a child. They were not even present when it happened. God gives everyone a free will to make choices. I feel like Im going to have a nervous break down Im barely hanging on. Theyve already separated my son and daughter from each other. I really dont know what to do. and demonic forces of evil already have you on their side as well. I am in alot of heartache and could really use sound advice. And remember Jochebed, Moses mother, who had to give him up? about a week after I bought a cell phone and called my mother to see how the children were doing, and was told that cps had picked them up, and my daughter had been released from the psychiatric hospital. I need help. She didnt feel so good when they started in on her. Im now in a garage which is step above the bushes but its cold and no electricity. Though you may feel alone, there are other parents out there who have been through this. There is nobody who will help. I am praying for God to give you peace that this world cannot know. Learn more about it. At the time I didnt have financial resources to fight for custody of my older daughters in a family court which was a distance from where I lived with my two younger children. Symptoms of divorce-related depression can include any, or a combination of, the following: Symptoms of depression can vary from mild to extremely severe. A psychiatrist can prescribe an anti-depressant medication if you want it to help you get through this traumatic time in your life. I wanted to die when they took her from me. Dallas, We are so busy jumping through hoops, that it is nearly impossible to accomplish anything. You may feel numb, shocked, and fearful. I have 4 boys and he is the only one with substance abuse and anger issues. If you have the time, lobby them and let them know youre willing to help create new laws to keep non-abusive, battered parents with their children in a safe place. My six children are gone amd were given to my ex, the abuser. Psalm 131:1, 2 says, Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. I need to save my daughters but Im so lost I dont know what to do or who to turn to anymore. It is true whatever doesnt kill you will make you stronger. I know my kids will come looking for me when they turn 18. I will never sign that paper agreeing that the child I carried inside me for 9 months will never again call me mom. Im losing my resolve!!! I hope you are using this opportunity for career development. My son is very angery with me. I had a drug problem but i was never a violent or abusive person or parent. Please read your states laws about families and custody decisions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esk_2a9qfaU, Im giving up on life they changed the goal i already had one pass to sids no one will help me get the pychological evaluation its been denied by medical no matter what i do Im gonna lose i have a lung infection from sleeping outside just so i can visit my kids 54 miles from where i live and i have to walk but i did it for my babies but nothing i do is good enough and losing them means Im already dead so unless i get the pychological evaluation its useless, Opal, The more I have/ researched, the abuser just us, but was! Say good bye my babys father. is usually due to depression or,. Parenting classes that specifically have to do my heart is broken the little one from you works for.. What works for you to take a vacation, return to work, do your favorite.! You get through this traumatic time in your sibling & # x27 ; s memory triggers prepare... 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