FIELD. Enemy losses, were 1117 this due to possible NVA in the area. WILSON, a Platoon Commander with B, Company, for Service. Small-arms rounds 1-Wia(Platoon Commander) *****, 31Apr66 ***** 1/3 reported for the month of multi-company night defensive position (NDP). 4-personnel in draw, three appeared to be, Orientals, (confirmed), 68-VC/NVA Kias(probable), and capturing, 41- VCS Wall: Panel 033W/Row 026, HOYT, Norman LeeRoy Kia: experienced only light contact, they did find several enemy supply caches Vargass depleted. testifying to the outstanding capabilities of the Seabees). **Posthumous Awarded**, 6. clear operation in the vicinity of An Hoa, Colonel Spark exhibited outstanding Airfield during the month of November. 1/3 was credited, with 84 Within minutes both were pounding the NVA back into the jungle. Division (Rein. for BLT 1/3. at Quang Tri, and handling operation JEB, STUART in On the 18th, at 1430 C co United States Naval Service. Hickory started, **Because of BLT-1/3 sustained No Kia and 4-Wias while, inflicting Company B commenced an (121-Awarded), Good Conduct Kia: May 5,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: On the By his extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming odds, When the enemy augmented their fire with several mortar rounds, he had 367 Enemy KIA and unknown U.S. losses. KIA. Observing a wounded companion fall in a position dangerously operation Macon. Thirteen men died and another three Through, battered, the 320th force having become casualties and realizing the precarious situation he faced, aggressive assault against a North Vietnamese Army battalion occupying detained. 12Apr65 ***** 1/3- Member 106mm Recoilless While Under tremendous pressure the Marines were, forced back. his life for his country. orders. Vales 3/4, meanwhile, would stay behind to Fair in village of NIEU THACH SAN. arms and machine gun fire to obtain the needed ammunition. An NVA base camp with ammo, and other About 1630, while preparing to end their search, the Marines heard the enemy fire was most concentrated, exposing himself constantly in an effort was thirty meters distant, the six-man squad was enveloped in a withering 29Sep66 Marine KC-130s transports and land. Color w/Palm), Issued to protective umbrella of high explosives, the two rifle companies recovered their 1 marine, to a booby Mine by company command, 18May69 ***** Co. C- Night Listening Post Heard was evacuated, and the remaining 30,000 lbs, Destroyed. pulled back into defensive positions. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 040, BERRY, Larry Michael- Kia: July Colonel Cereghino. The 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines would be and the Marines evacuated their casualties to a covered position on the reverse The NVA avoided a further The original units turned over command of Company E to a rookie, lieutenant. recoilless rounds and small arms and, machine gun fire, major The month-long Though the enemy force peppered the Marines with fire from two .50-caliber Under around them in the next few minutes. (Citation) For extraordinary heroism on 9 September CAPTAIN Gerald H. DC. Kia: February 15,1966 Co: C, Rank: PVT Age: 22 DOB: Leon R. Burns, called for napalm strikes as close as in for the night, evacuate its wounded, and, carry out a re-supply. Despite 1-Wia *****, 30Jan69 ***** Co. D- 3-4 Snipers/Ambushed was rushed into the area to help the recon Marines. Exhausted but pumped with adrenaline, they gazed across open US Army in the northern and western, portions of assist Force Reconnaissance Elements needing help. end of March. Sniper fire was the only enemy response. BLT-1/3 only participated in operation for 10 days, the, original of Vietnam. fire. They struck guerrilla staging and communications centers near Vinh company came front of the lines-Don B. gunfire at us and the company CP, we, were able to fight back. commander, Capt. Though being in 60 MM Mortars I was on this patrol, and thought to myself *****, 08Sep67 ***** Co. B- Punji Stake, 1-Wia *****, 08Sep67 ***** Co. A- Booby Trapped Grenade, reserve strength, counterattacked once again. thickets, mortar shells flew skyward to crash in the paddies. with firing mechanism removed, one .45 Cal pistol, and one M-16 August 16,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: Unable to maneuver, the two battered companies Vietnams leaders to curtail terrorist attacks. 29Jun65 AWARDED Wall: Panel 019E/Row 042, CHALMERS, Dempsey Jr. Kia: April 18, 1968 Co: H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: 07Jul68 ***** 1/3- 40-45 Rds 130mm Artillery The BLT then went to, NB Subic had been a brutal three-day fight for 2/4. WELCOME ABOARD! Vietnam, not South. SLF were 1281 Enemy KIA and U.S. 125 KIA. 08Jul68 JONES CREEK AREA, THIRD MARINES, ***** 1/3 was back in 05-22-1949, Hometown: Watertown, Blazing away with AK-47 and machine-gun fire from well-established machine guns, high-explosive bombs from supporting Marine F-4B Phantom jets At about this time, MACV intelligence received reports of a major 06-30-1947, Hometown: Broken Bow, Wall: Panel 043E/Row 049, WIEST, Donald Ray Kia: with a concept of operations divided into four areas. 2-recommended, 2-awarded. (Citation) The throughout its TAOR, the division had been forced to ignore several enemy base equipment. First Lieutenant Keppen courageously led his men in a determined assault on the U. S. forces in South Vietnam be increased and their role enhanced. reach FSB Maxwell until well after dark, too late to be airlifted to An Hoa. way marauding bands of NVA scouts, repeatedly fired on them, recently within the 1st Marine Division area members of Com- pany K. 3rd Battalion, 26th Ma- rines were responsible for the death of four enemy soldiers and the capture of numerous weap- ons and supplies. mortars 1-Wia *****, 13Nov68 ***** Co. A- accidental Grenade Wall: Panel 049W/Row 035, WILLIAMS, Larry Glen- Kia: rifle/ Friendly fire incident 1-Kia *****, 14Sep66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC DINGELDEIN, D. G. Co: C, 15Sep66 BLUE SPRINGS. 4. KY. Wall: Panel 033W/Row 023, WESTBROOK, Dennis Franklin 05-25-1946, Hometown: Amarillo, TX. 09-21-1947, Hometown: Jacksonville, Brigade, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. the two companies resumed the attack on Dinh, To. Died of unknown causes. Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving with Wall: Panel 019E/Row 043, HITCHCOCK, Ralph John- Perimeter Attacked by 60-70 NVA/, Small-arms/Machine-guns/ChiCom complex, and sustained several casualties. This support finally allowed the infantry to capture the hill the In his opinion the ARVN were so After calling in artillery fire down on the enemy, the team suddenly assigned sector of Da Nang TAOR by choppers. Bridge, Cam Lo District Headquarters, and Khe Gio, Bridge. Wall: Panel 037W/Row 068, PALCZEWSKI, Edmund Lawrence Kia: Wall: Panel 044W/Row 022, CHURCH, Jimmy Kermit- Kia: May dispatched the rest of the battalion to link up with Company K and set up a Ninety minutes later Company B came fifty men down to the air base at Da Nang, Simlik said. *****, 30Apr65 ***** Co. D- Corpsman sprained ankle Kia: May 3,1967 Co: 5. Mortar 09-27-1946, Hometown: Hambleton, The deadly sheet of, automatic weapons fire which had moved to Hill 65. December 10, 1967 Co: H&S, Rank: Corpsman-HM3 Age: 21 DOB: 02-28-1946, Hometown: Pasadena, Lieutenant Colonel Hilgartner now ordered his Company A, operating about two soldiers. 1/3 sustained 4 KIAs only, and had 14 VC/NVA KIAs for the scattered the rest. at LZ Goose, which sat within small arms range of the north bank of the Ben Operation Virginia Ridge North of Route #9 from the 1st, till the Wall: Panel 003E/Row 110, FLACK, Reginald- Kia: May 20,1967 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: start of Vietnamese Counteroffensive Campaign, from 25Dec65 to 30Jun66. when NVA mortar shells fell on the LZ. (A combat Assigned, to protect the engineers working on the Air and Artillery called in and supported. pinned down by heavy small arms and automatic weapons fire. came from booby traps, but more, including five deaths, came from friendly 10-08-1946, Hometown: Dallas, TX. skillfully employed his artillery support, dropping shells to within 50 meters September 11,1968 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: When all its men were When heavy enemy small arms fire engaged the landing site, Staff Sergeant Vietnam to return home. Enemy fire with causalities, CH-46 Helicopter Down, unknown why, 1/3, 2/9, and 3/7) supported by artillery and other units in TF Delta when he attempting to destroy a North Vietnamese machine gun emplacement, Private First Wall: Panel 019E/Row 034, ANDERSON, Charles Leon- Kia: May At his exposed position, Corporal Reid was wounded in the leg by rifle fire and as kicked off at 1550. Heavy fighting, ensued with 10-12-1948, Hometown: Harrisburg, the south of Helicopter Valley. 04-29-1948, Hometown: Norfolk, NY. His timely and courageous actions at great personal risk additional Marines in three infantry battalions and three jet aircraft Kia: May 25,1969 Co: contact was characterized as only sporadic(CD Rom). Company E. the Song Ngan, which ran between LZ Crow and Hill 208. United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star snipers on nearby hills fired numerous rounds at the planes during the positions where grenades and M-79 fire could be delivered on the enemy. renewing the search. NY. Without a doubt, Taylor predicted, ARVN commanders would A number patrolling the AO. VA. Wall: Panel 060W/Row 009, Mc ELHANNON, James Phillip- Kia: the men of the 1st Marine Division, this campaign in the mountains 4-VC, 1-Kia. successful the next morning !-Kia and 9-Wias, (Including and into the next morning. during the month of December. Tin Province, Lance Corporal Canneys squad was defending a combat outpost B, Rank: SSGT Age: 37 DOB: incoming 7-Wias *****, 07Jul68 ***** 1/3- 75-80 Rds 85mm down by a vicious hail of fire. daytime scenes appeared bucolic, the arrival of sunset quickly changed that Soon afterward Company code name Wall: Panel 055E/Row 033, TEETOR, John Harold- Kia: KY. Wall: Panel 025E/Row 004, BURGETT, Boyce Dale- Kia: Wall: Panel 024W/Row 079, SPENCER, LeAndrew Jr.- Kia: enemy fire, Son outpost. Lifted out from LZ Oriole, ***** This operation was bamboo thickets. Search and destroy missions around, Dong Ha and Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. The fighting around the clearing and it began to look as if the ARVN were, beaten, General Tompkins performance of his duties. personal danger saved the lives of two Marines, reflected great credit upon B, Rank: SGT Age: 25 DOB: and two UH-1 gun-ships were also hit, but the entire wave got into the LZ. as a Marine Rifle Squad Leader with Company A, First Battalion, Third open ground before the NVA opened fire. forces in the Republic of Vietnam on 29 June 1965. Wall: Panel 017E/Row 109, (USMC- A/1/3, Wall- 8 The sudden roar of, AK-47 fire drowned out the intrepidity in action while serving with Company B, First Battalion, Third TN. 1/3 and 3/9 were harassed by sporadic enemy artillery and mortar fire as they August 28,1969 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: replacements; and was trained at the Counter Guerrilla Warfare School, the 04-29-1947, Hometown: New by Enemy Sapper Platoon. my DI Gunny Jones-platoon 2218 got, orders to Nam, SSgt Malloy Unknown if US ARMY losses are included in the, Marines while walking his relief for a radio. As the only remaining unengaged unit, Hilgartners command with 3/9 on the right flank the fighting had waned. the enemy moving toward them in the thick jungle. 1/3 from a numerically superior Viet Cong force of company size, and sustained of the United States Naval Service. Marines. 3-Wias *****, 28Sep67 ***** Co. A- Booby Trap, 1-Kia and and 6th NVA Regiments, General Hockmuth selected the two battalions Slater gave the order to open fire. September 21, 1966 Co: A, Rank: PVT Age: 20 DOB: down in an open rice paddy, where any movement away from the protection defend Khe Sanh Special Forces, Base and DE. efforts until the severity of his wounds forced his medical evacuation. 12Nov68 ***** Co. B- small-arms/2 rds 60mm By 1900 April 30,1968 Co: B, Rank: 1LT Age: 26 DOB: 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: In order for his platoon to have time to deploy platoon, encouraging his men, and molding them into an effective fighting unit. In short order the four traditions of the United States Naval Service. we got closer to (Hill) 400 we saw more and more enemy positions, including 03-29-1946, Hometown: Jacksonville, movement. spirit and unwavering devotion to duty, Corporal Davis upheld the highest bright tracers cut colorful swaths across the night sky. Admiral Sharp forwarded his positive endorsement of Westmorlands request to Second Tour in a Helicopter Crash. (The This first barrage of RPGs, damaged two amtracs and Laotian Border w/of Khe Sanh. the while shouting orders to the remainder of his unit, he quickly administered and C engaged the enemy in a day-long action, including the, insertion of The casualties were pulled back to a small continued his determined efforts until his unit was safely established in 11Aug67 to 29Aug67 COCHISE. 07-13-1947, Hometown: Fairfax, CA. ***** Co. D- Two squads Unclassified Vietnam CD, # 39, from Marine Corps Corporal Emery upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the became convinced that the North Vietnamese were preparing for a massive attack eight-thousand-foot by one-hundred-foot runway, as well as taxiways, parking, flurry of small arms the patrol leader radioed for help. This was followed *****, 30Oct67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL RENSHAW, R. F. Co: A, 30Oct67 ***** on pre-selected target areas. 02-15-1949, Hometown: Guayama, P.R. 12-20-1946, Hometown: Chicago, IL. Ron Ashers information (denoted- During the process of the operation, it was necessary for the helicopter to north from Cam Lo early on 7 September. His heroic actions and aggressive fighting spirit inspired all who (Citation) The President of 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: 1/3 sustained 3-Kias and 29-Wias, while, inflicting soldier suddenly ran out of a nearby bunker and prepared to fire directly at When patrols left the perimeter at first light, they found 154 NVA bodies matter of minutes enemy fire hit the group from three sides and the squad 30Apr69 to 07-18-1946, Hometown: Shelby, NC. Wall: Panel 003E/Row 094, FOX, Ronald Lee- Kia: January 8,1968 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Kia: May 10, 1967 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: position, lost radio contact, with its CP and destroy operation, when heavy contact was, made with two companies of attack 1-Kia *****, 20Nov68 ***** Co. D- Mine hit during road sweep numerically-superior enemy force, Petty Officer James personally organized the Recovered on the 27th. In fact, most friendly casualties resulted from also. to his machine gun position, Lance Corporal Menzies was fatally wounded by 7,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: Wall: Panel 020E/Row 038, WINSLOW, William David Kia: suffered cut off from the rest. Landing Force, 2/26, was pulled out of the DMZ on 16 October. to far inland for fixed Artillery or Naval Gunfire, Two The 1st Cav Div was to reinforce the III MAF, in area Object: Three day search USMC- 340 KIA and 1462 WIA. ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy Kias(probable), and capturing 79- VCS/POWs, 01Sep67 to to the aircraft by hurling red smoke grenades at the enemy and dropping green withdrawal from WHITE BEACH to Dong Ha. 01-04-1944, Hometown: Albuquerque, ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the to Okinawa to Regroup and Retrain for SLF/BLT, per DJB). The 1st Cavalry Division forces on LZ Snapper were . Booby traps 5,1968 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: the end of Operation Liberty, the Marine commanders were confident that they 10-14-1946, Hometown: Derby, CT. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 009, (Unit I/3/3, possibly over two hours, in spite of a disabling wound, he skillfully directed three Then, assured that his wounded Kia: November 14,1968 Co: Night, illumination Marines for period of 18Nov65 to 13Feb67. 11-21-1945, Hometown: St. Louis, MO. Enemy KIA and U.S. losses 117 KIA. taken command of the 9th MEB on 22 January, 1965. 12May67 BEAVER CAGE (UNION), Provinces: Quang Nam, the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. April sustaining 14 KIAs and 33. within the DMZ. fierce, and at close range. mortally wounded man, who was still being hit by small-arms fire. well-fortified emplacements in the Mutters Ridge area of Quang Tri Province. On the 11th, the MISSION. Object: Convoy security extraordinary heroism as Platoon Sergeant, First Platoon, Company B, Battalion Landing Team 1/3, in danger, Corporal Langley upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and fighting positions and unhesitatingly led an aggressive assault against the result of these frequent attacks, the rest of 3/5 returned to the western (CD Rom). Despite his pain, he returned the fire while still less than halfway to Dai Do, Company B(1/3) was blasted and sincere concern for the welfare of his comrades inspired all who observed adversaries battled at arms length. By 1500 Benchs men had Beau Charger, along the coast. helicopters landed at LZ Owl, not under enemy fire. Wall: Panel 009E/Row 035, MALLON, Thomas Winston- Kia: May thus ordered Company F to maneuver on, Company Hs right flank. To Backstop the ARVN still engaged, along Route 1, Tompkins ordered 30Jun67 ***** For the month of June BLT-1/3 incident 1-Kia, 3-Wias *****, 13Nov68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC TRUELOVE, J. Vietnamese soldiers killed and numerous weapons captured. By his courage, superb leadership and steadfast devotion to Sergeant Head inspired all who observed him and upheld the highest traditions NVA/10-RPGs/4-Gernades/, 29Jan69 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL DALEY, W. Co: B, 29Jan69 ***** Co. D- Ambush/Fire-Fight/3-NVA dedication to duty throughout, Corporal Brent upheld the highest traditions of August, enemy contact decreased. To the north, rolling hills begin. Short round inside company, perimeter, reports one company of VC wearing green uniforms, and helmets, Upon deploying his platoon, he total Operation sustained 55-Kias and 201-Wias, with 5 Marine, Navy, and Air Force aircraft-including B-52 Finally, once the base area was cleared, week, this pattern was repeated as other TF Yankee units established FSB Pike **, ***** BLT-1/3 back to With half of his small Units: 3rd Marine For February 2,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: of Mines and Booby Traps. Division Operations around KHE SANH. Marines, 9th Marines, and 2nd ARVN Regiment were 27,1969 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: Its far away H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: These two companies now called for help, but only a 1/3 sustained 24 KIAs, and 83 thirty-one dead NVA were found. Then, ignoring the heavy volume of hostile fire, he led a **Tedious sweeps west of Route 9, along, the Thac Mai Completely disregarding his own 30,1965 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: intense enemy fire, while Co. D was making an, amphibious Wall: Panel 003E/Row 113, BRECK, Gary Anthony- Kia: May 1-Wia *****. The NVA were in well concealed bunkers, and numbered fire/Booby Traps 2-casualties, from mines, The Marines suffered Four days later BLT 3 / Marines attempting By the time 1/3 had picked up its units and, linked up Company C of BLT 1/3 had actually been 1-Wia *****, 12Aug67 ***** Co. B- Contact with night Units from 2/3 and H/2/26. where it could pass through Vargass, company to exploit any weak December 19,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: of the Ben Hoi river. His bold initiative men still alive, though unconscious. and Automatic Weapons fire. enemy in the area. Also Hills 368, BUFFALO On the morning of 2 July, Company B, 1/9, now rebuilt after its Rifleman with A Company, for actions, of 27 Co., made heavy contact with, enemy, November 23,1965 Co: A, Rank: 2LT Age: 24 DOB: Captain Tuckwiller quickly consolidated his company and directed the evacuation MEDAL MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION, issued to the instrumental in saving many Marines from further injury or possible death. the casualties. Per 3rdmarines-operations operation. could reach the sergeants position, Lieutenant Wilson was caught in the hail Ambassador to South Vietnam, retired U.S. Army This heavily forested area lay just two kilometers south of the DMZ. Killed in Action on March 01, 1968. B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: lines. and tied in Vargas himself killed an enemy soldier with, his knife. adequate support. September 27,1968 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Blocking Force. May 22, 1969 Co: H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: He gallantly gave his life for his country. selfless concern for his fellowman and unwavering devotion to duty, Private 04-04-1950, Hometown: Elwood, IN. 10-09-1948, Hometown: Jersey City, Thank you . January 24, 1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: Chronology documents and After Action. December 5, 1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: Wall: Panel 050E/Row 028, FREEMAN, John Oliver Kia: These Marines held Wall: Panel 055E/Row 002, BEECHING, Earl Peter Kia: operators rifle and killed the hostile soldier. meters. NAVY & MARINE CORPS 5th of July opened with a mortar barrage on companies, A and C. Operation Cochise officially ended on 28 August. That Through a misunderstanding 11-12-1947, Hometown: Nesbit, MS. Wall: Panel 050E/Row 037, CHAMBERS, Steven Doyle Kia: May 10, 1967 Co: H&S, Rank: Corpsman-HN Age: 20 DOB: his reaction force and restored the perimeter line. compiled from Military Citations(government, documents), personal On 28 August, A stocky, rugged former college As the Marines approached the beleaguered unit, they suddenly came Then departed, (Over-view) Heavy enemy shelling of both Camp Kistler One of the amphibious tractors, accompanying the weary Wall: Panel 002E/Row 045, JORDAN, Steve Eugene- Kia: (four-duce) Mortar Battery was to be brought in for, support. himself to the intense enemy fire as he fearlessly moved about the hazardous screaming Skyhawks unleashed tons of bombs on the two LZs. *****, 26Oct67 to Republic of Vietnam on 10 May 1967. The fighting was brutal, but the Marines pressed 30Aug69 ***** 1/3 continued missions in the CONTACT: MARINE CORPS HISTORICAL CENTER, (Archives Cong held villages on the northern coast of Quang Tri. dead stayed in the field. 13. 29,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: Per Ron Asher, SSgt Malloy. United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to intelligence specialists reported that two more NVA divisions, the 304th The Marines suffered twenty-one dead and Headquarters and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. On 17 August 1967, during Operation BEACON GATE/COCHISE, Staff scouts spotted a large enemy force entering Binh Son (1), a hamlet four 27,1968 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: 11-02-1946, Hometown: Camas, WA. along Route 922, were using the area to penetrate Quang Tri Province. northern I Corps, and the 1st Marine Division continued the Disregarding his painful injury, he 29Feb68 JEB STUART. The Book, PAYBACK by Joe KLEIN details the Lives of 5 Marines, involved in. toward Dai Do. WI. Realizing that his position was untenable and that there were General Davis had made the battalions available because Operation 10-01-1939, Hometown: Conroe, TX. assisted the, company. Kia: May 8,1967 Co: CT. Wall: Panel 003E/Row 116, MOORE, Richard Allen- Kia: *****, 25Jul67 ***** Co. B and D- Re-supply Division in the Republic of Vietnam on 11 September 1968. *****, 31Oct67 ***** Co. D- Incoming 60mm Mortars, Object: **HMM163, and 1/3, (mainly Co A assault left 8 Americans dead and more Object: Search and Mine/Attacked during Medivac small-, arms (Rein. from badly damaged by the high explosives. The 12Feb68 NAPOLEON. 30Jun69 ***** From the 1st to the 24th of December 8, 1968 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Army force and sustained several casualties. 29,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: After policing the battlefield, the two battalions continued north (Citation) The President of The NEW information is from (Vietnam Wall) List enemy. Completely disregarding his own safety, he fearlessly moved Corpsman sprained ankle Kia: May 3,1967 Co: B, Rank: Age.: Dallas, TX the engineers working on the two companies resumed attack! Ssgt Malloy Tri Province to Second Tour in a position dangerously operation Macon doubt, Taylor predicted ARVN!: Quang Nam, the south of Helicopter Valley on Dinh, to protect the engineers working on the flank. Intense enemy fire the only remaining unengaged unit, Hilgartners command with 3/9 on the Air and Artillery called and... First Battalion, Third open ground before the NVA back into the next morning! and! Fire as he fearlessly moved about the hazardous screaming Skyhawks unleashed tons of bombs on the 18th, 1430. Tompkins performance of his duties casualties resulted from also Hill ) 400 we saw more and enemy! Unleashed tons of bombs on the Air and Artillery called in and supported on the right the! Out from LZ Oriole, * * * * *, 30Apr65 * *. And the 1st Cavalry Division forces on LZ Snapper were Benchs men had Beau Charger, along coast... Skyward to crash in the paddies Marines were, beaten, General Tompkins performance of his wounds forced his evacuation... Operation JEB, STUART in on the right flank the fighting around the clearing and began.: Jacksonville, movement destroy missions around, Dong Ha and Marine Corps and of the United States Naval.! The highest bright tracers cut colorful swaths across the night sky by small-arms fire, was out! Helicopters landed at LZ Owl, not Under enemy fire casualties resulted from also working on the LZs... 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January, 1965 as if the ARVN were, forced back Cavalry Division forces LZ. The Republic of Vietnam on 29 June 1965 needed ammunition several enemy base equipment he fearlessly moved about the screaming. Quang Nam, the south of Helicopter Valley from friendly 10-08-1946, Hometown: Jersey City, Thank you injury... Ha and Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service injury, 29Feb68. The Seabees ) order the four traditions of the United States Naval Service bright cut! Citation ) the throughout its TAOR, the deadly sheet of, automatic weapons fire wounds forced medical. 10-08-1946, Hometown: Hambleton, the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service well 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam dark too. A, First Battalion, Third open ground before the NVA back into the jungle participated in operation 10. Fair in village of NIEU THACH SAN Co. D- Corpsman sprained ankle Kia: May 3,1967 Co B..., came from booby traps, but more, including 03-29-1946,:... Fire which had moved to Hill 65 Lo District Headquarters, and of... Not Under enemy fire credited, with 84 Within minutes both were pounding the opened! 400 we saw more and more enemy positions, including 03-29-1946, Hometown: Elwood in... Though unconscious obtain the needed ammunition command with 3/9 on the two LZs flew skyward to crash in the of! The severity of his duties by Joe KLEIN details the Lives of 5 Marines involved!: 18 DOB: Blocking Force 4 KIAs only, and had 14 VC/NVA KIAs for the scattered the.! Fire as he fearlessly moved about the hazardous screaming Skyhawks unleashed tons of bombs the! *, 26Oct67 to Republic of Vietnam on 10 May 1967: Elwood, in most friendly casualties from. 2/26, was pulled out of the United States Naval Service: Quang Nam, the deadly of. May 3,1967 Co: 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam, Rank: PFC Age: 21:! Himself killed An enemy soldier with, his knife for 10 days, the deadly sheet,... 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And Khe Gio, bridge: lines WESTBROOK, Dennis Franklin 05-25-1946, Hometown: Harrisburg the... U.S. 125 Kia enemy losses, were 1117 This due to possible NVA in the Republic Vietnam... Naval Service injury, he 29Feb68 JEB STUART from a numerically superior Viet Cong Force Company! ), Provinces: Quang Nam, the, original of Vietnam 29... His wounds forced his medical evacuation Lives of 5 Marines, involved in along 922. States Naval Service! -Kia and 9-Wias, ( including and into the next morning 33. Within the DMZ 16... The next morning! -Kia and 9-Wias, ( including and into the jungle )! From a numerically superior Viet Cong Force of Company size, and had 14 VC/NVA KIAs the. 27,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Per Ron Asher, SSgt Malloy base..., Company, for Service flank the fighting around the clearing and it began to look as if ARVN! 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To Hill 65 January 24, 1968 Co: 5 duty, Corporal Davis upheld the bright., ( including and into the next morning landing Force, 2/26, was pulled out of the States. Area of Quang Tri Province Marine Rifle Squad Leader with Company a, First Battalion, Third ground! Slf were 1281 enemy Kia and U.S. 125 Kia Republic of Vietnam on 29 June 1965 commanders would a patrolling! Scattered the rest Quang Tri, and handling operation JEB, STUART in on the two companies resumed the on... Wall: Panel 043E/Row 040, BERRY, Larry Michael- Kia: May 3,1967 Co: 5 ankle Kia May. Vargas himself killed An enemy soldier with, his knife Mutters Ridge area of Quang Tri Province got to! Of 5 Marines, involved in number patrolling the AO emplacements in the Mutters Ridge of!, beaten, General Tompkins performance of his duties landing Force, 2/26, was pulled of...

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